Dachshund (Dacshund, Deckel or Teckel) is known from the Middle Ages. Among the hounds are constantly appearing dog, especially suitable for hunting below ground. From these short legged animals occurred dachshund, was recognized as one of the most versatile and used in breeds of hunting dogs / recognized as one of the most versatile and successful breeds of hunting dogs. It also works perfectly on the ground, driving with a voice, tracking down and looking for wounded game. The oldest club, occupied in breeding dachshunds, "Deutsche Teckelclud" e. V was founded in 1888. / Given the importance of heredity for the health of breed, birth defects of vision and hearing, and seizures are undesirable and should be controlled. /
For decades the Dachshund has been bred in three sizes (dachshund, miniature dachshund and dachshund rabbit) and three varieties of coat (smooth-haired, haired and longhaired).

Lower point of the chest is above the earth at a distance of 1 / 3 of the height at the withers, the length of the body must be in harmonious relation to height at the withers, approximately 1.7 - 1.8 to 1.
By nature friendly, neither nervous nor aggressive, with even temperament. Good / gambling / viscous and nestomchivaya (tireless) hunting dog with an excellent flair.
Elongated when viewed from above and in profile. Evenly tapering to the nose, but not pointed. Brow ridges clearly defined. Nasal cartilage and bridge of the nose long and narrow.
Skull rather flat, gradually turning into a slightly convex back of the nose.
The transition from forehead to muzzle only indicated.
Muzzle. Long, rather massive. In a state of well-disclosed to eye level.
Lips. Skintight / strained / well covering the lower jaw.
Jaws and teeth. Well-developed upper and lower jaw. Scissor bite, and even with steady close up. Ideally, a complete set of 42 teeth in accordance with the requirements for a dog's jaws, with healthy teeth, exactly adjusted to each other. / The full set of teeth (42 teeth according to requirements) with strong claws, as if fitted to one another. Scissor bite preferred direct.
Eyes. Medium size, oval, set well apart, with a clearly energetic but friendly look, not shrill. Brilliant / bright / dark reddish-brown to black and hazel with any color shirt. Partially or totally blue, pale (fish or pearl) eyes in marble taxes are undesirable, but can be tolerated.
Ears. Set on high, not too far ahead. Long enough, but not overly. Rounded, not narrow, not pointed, not folded. Mobile, with front edge adjacent to the cheeks.
Sufficiently long, muscled, carried high, flexible / borne high and free. Tight fitting skin on throat. Slightly convex crest.
Topline. From the neck harmoniously merges with the slightly sloping croup. Withers pronounced.
Back (from withers to Maklakov). Topline behind high withers stretches from the thoracic vertebrae straight or slightly Falling. Sturdy and muscular.
Loins. Heavily muscled. Long enough.
The croup is wide and long enough. Slightly sloping / gently sloping.
Chest. Presternum widely developed and acts in a way that the sides of it appear minor depression. Seen from the front thorax oval. When viewed from the top and side is a spacious, offering plenty of space to accommodate the heart and lungs. Ribs carried well back. With the correct length of the scapula and humerus, and the corresponding angle between the front leg when viewed from the side closes the lowest point of the sternum.
Abdomen slightly tucked.
mounted bowl is not too high, carried in continuation of topline. Saber allowed. / Planted not too high, is in continuation of topline. Slight saber in the last third of the tail is allowed. /
General view. Very muscular / strong muscled / with angulated. Seen from the front, dry front legs are straight, with very solid bone structure, bloopers directed straight ahead.
Shoulders. Muscle elasticity. The long, sloping shoulder, tight to his chest.
Humerus. Along the length equal to shoulder blades, which form an angle of almost 90 degrees. Strong bones. Significantly muscled, close fitting to ribs but free in movement.
Elbows point straight back / no turning or tucked.
Forearm. Short, however, of such length that the distance a dog from the ground is about 1 / 3 the height at the withers. Direct as possible. / As straight as possible. /
Wrists are slightly closer than shoulder Shoulder joint. Pasterns when viewed from the side should be neither steep nor clearly slanted.
Forepaws. Fingers into a lump, well arched, with healthy, strong, plump pillows and short strong nails. Fifth finger has no functional significance, but should not be removed. / Five fingers tightly connected, well-arched, with healthy pads and short strong claws. Four toes on the ground, hanging his finger on the inner side is shorter. /
General view. Extremities very muscular / strong muscled /, in proportion to the front. Angles of knee and hock joints are well expressed. The hind legs are parallel, neither close nor wide.
Hips should be of good length and significantly muscled.
Knees (joints) massive / large / and strong, with well-defined angles. Tibia short form with hips angle nearly 90 degrees. Well-muscled.
Hock Dry with strong tendons / strong and well developed /.
Metatarsus relatively long, mobile with respect to the shins. Slightly sloping.
Hind legs. Four fingers into a lump to four well closed toe /, are well arched. Standing firmly on the balls of healthy.

The coat is short, thick, shiny, smooth fitting, tight and rigid / double coat. There was not a trace of bald patches.
The tail is an elegant, completely, but not too richly dressed. Several longer protects the hair on the underside of the tail is not a disadvantage.
a) monochrome: Red / red / reddish-yellow, yellow, all with or without a mixture of black hair. Pure color (without any admixture of black) is preferred, but red is more valuable than the reddish-yellow or pale yellow. Dogs, even with a substantial admixture of black hair are the same color, not in the category of other colors. White color is not desired but single small spots do not disqualify. Nose and claws black, tawny / brown / is also allowed, not undesirable;
b) Two: Dark, black or brown, each with tan or yellow markings («Brand») over eyes, on sides of muzzle and lower lips, on the inside of the ear leaf at the front of the chest, on the inside and rear side of legs, also on the feet, around the anusExtending from it by about one-third or half of the lower part of the tail. Nose and nails are black in black dogs, brown / or black / brown in. White pezhiny desired but single small white spots do not disqualify. Tan, too widespread undesirable.
c) marble and tiger: a marble ground color is always a dark color (black, red or gray). Desirable irregular gray or beige / pale / patches (large patches not desired). Neither dark nor light in color should not prevail. Brindle dachshund red or yellow with dark tigrovinami. Nose and nails on the fingers, such as a monochromatic and dichromatic
/ G) other colors: anything not listed above colors. /
With the exception of the muzzle, eyebrows and ears, in exactly the same tight-fitting, dense wiry coat with undercoat. On the face clearly defined beard. Bushy eyebrows. Fur on the ears are shorter than on the body, almost smooth.
Tail as follows, and evenly covered skintight wool.
Predominant color of wild boar (wolf or Uruguay), from light to dark and the color of dry leaves. Or the same colors as described for the smooth-species under a)-c). / Color is usually a wild boar (Wolf or Uruguay), as well as other colors. /
Combed shiny coat with undercoat, lying close to the body, longer on the throat and the bottom of the shoe, on the ears coat should extend beyond the bottom edge of the ears, forming a fringe / lengthen the lower edge of ears (feathering) /; pronounced feathering on the back of the legs. Reaches a maximum length on the underside of the tail, where it forms a real flag.
As described in Smooth Dachshund in a)-c).
Dachshund: chest girth 35 sm.Verhny weight limit about 9 kg.
Miniature Dachshund: chest girth of 30 to 35 cm measured when at least 15 months.
Rabbit Dachshund: Chest girth of 30 cm measured when at least 15 months.
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault or flaw, depending on severity. M3 (third molars) are not considered in the judging. The absence of 2-P 1 (first premolars) is not punishable. The absence of P2 (second premolar) should be considered a disadvantage, even if the other teeth in place (except M3). He is also a lack of deviation from the proper closure with a scissor bite. / Absence of two premolars (P1) or both third molars (M3) is not punishable. However, the absence of one M3 and two P1 or absence of one P1 and two M3 is regarded as a drawback. /
frail body, turned up on their feet or hanging to the ground - no teeth other than those listed under "weaknesses" or "disqualifying defects";
completely or partially blue eyes in any color other than marble;
block, hanging between the shoulders;
hollow back, Roach back;
weak loin;
highly-(croup higher than withers);
breasts are too frail;
Groin: Borzoobrazny erosion;
bad angles fore and hind limbs;
narrow rear end, lack of muscle;
cow hocks, barrel posed;
paws, clearly turned inwards or outwards;
splay feet;
traffic heavy, clumsy, waddling.