The fee for a walk

Daily walks in the fresh air necessary for normal development of your pet. During the walk fee is actively moving, and thus strengthened his muscles, increases blood circulation and lung ventilation, accelerated metabolic processes, normally developing nervous system. Guided promote excellent appetite and sound sleep. During walks fee learn about the world, an increasing range of communication, quenched and formed her character. 

 For walking dachshund puppy need to get a collar and leash. Collar should be a narrow leather or synthetic material. The leash is better to have a durable fabric as well as his need for easy washing. Categorically prohibits the use of Harnesses, not to spoil the exterior fees. Dogs of this breed need to walk only a collar. As a leash is not recommended roulette. 

 If your dog during the walk begins to tremble, then we must immediately go home and repeat it several hours later. Length of stay on the street increases gradually adjusted to the breed. Bantam taxes in cold weather freezes faster than any other dog vysokonogie. They do not like and slushy, rainy weather. 

 Up to six months if the weather allows, the puppy should be as much as possible to be outdoors, especially on sunny days, playing with toys or with peers. Fees, like many other dogs, love to run for abandoned objects, such as whether a ball with sticks, and bring their boss. But taxis are categorically contra game, in which the dog is missing teeth, stick, and the owner begins to circle her, raising above the ground. The fact that the taxi, with a long spine, often suffer from the displacement of intervertebral discs, which leads to paresis of hind limbs and partial immobilization. Cause of the disease can be very different: infection, inflammation, bruises and concussion spinal cord. Therefore necessary to protect their dlinnotelyh pets from injuries, exhaustion and hypothermia. 1O the same reason, 5-6-month taksenka while running stairs or steep hills must be taken at the hands of. The rise is on the stairs and slopes, on the contrary, is useful as 1razhneniya, strengthens the muscles of the spine. To develop the correct posture should periodically walk your puppy on a leash stretched by hard ground or pavement. During walks, make sure that adult dogs do not frighten the child and especially not bitten. Try to communicate with the constant round breeders, then your puppy will play with familiar dogs that did not hurt. In addition, contact with the same dogs, reduced chance of contracting infectious diseases. 

 After walking a rate Wash paws and belly, and then dry thoroughly. This must be done always, regardless of the weather, to maintain developed a reflex. Accustomed to washing feet from his childhood dog refer to this procedure as a mandatory attribute of the walk. 

 Very useful for puppies and adult dachshunds swimming. Especially it is shown taksyatam with massive bone. If your dog likes to swim, do not forbid him this. It is only necessary to make sure that water and air were warm enough and always after swimming to dry off the possibility of a puppy, and if necessary, wipe it. In addition, the sanitary condition of the reservoir should not cause you doubt, otherwise the puppy can get hurt on broken glass or pick up the skin and other infections. 

 And finally, walking with his puppy, follow the basic rules of behavior on city streets. Displays a puppy home only on a leash: Happy, excited the upcoming walk, he usually comes out of the doorway first and can cater to the wheels passing cars or be bitten by a big strange dog. Only relegating the puppy in a safe place, you can pull it off the leash and allow plenty be tired with running about and simulated. During movement along roads, in a crowd of people, transport the puppy must be on a leash or in arms. Not uncommon for dogs loss while traveling in vehicles without a leash. Never take your puppy to a variety of fireworks and crowds. Shots, the flash and the cries of the people may scare him. By sharp and loud noises should teach your puppy gradually accustomed to his surroundings.